VisionProcessor OpMode
The usage for the Vision Processor within the OpMode also differs a bit than previous years. The first step is to initalize the Vision Portal, this can be done through the VisionPortal.Builder()
@Autonomous(name="Vision Test")
public class CameraTest extends LinearOpMode {
private VisionPortal portal;
public void runOpMode() throws InterruptedException {
portal = new VisionPortal.Builder()
.setCamera(hardwareMap.get(WebcamName.class, "Webcam 1"))
.setCameraResolution(new Size(640, 480))
This will add the necessary configuration you need for your camera and allow you to start streaming the frames on your driver station. Take note that Webcam 1
should be replaced with the name of your webcam within your config.
Adding In A Processor
Now we are going to add in our previously defined, RedPropThreshold
into our autonomous. Doing this will allow the processFrame()
function within the RedPropThreshold to be run with the current frame.
@Autonomous(name="Vision Test")
public class CameraTest extends LinearOpMode {
private RedPropThreshold redPropThreshold; //Create an object of the VisionProcessor Class
private VisionPortal portal;
public void runOpMode() throws InterruptedException {
redPropThreshold = new RedPropThreshold();
portal = new VisionPortal.Builder()
.setCamera(hardwareMap.get(WebcamName.class, "Webcam 1"))
.setCameraResolution(new Size(640, 480))